Monday, February 1, 2010

Work Smart...Hard

The saying "Work Smart Instead Of Work Hard" is nothing fact, it stretches back to the days when I first came out to the working society...or even before that... but, really, how many of you out there can really Work Smart?

To me, it's really the generations that are making the differences...besides the outside influences as well as the upbringing. I started in the generation between Working Hard and Working Smart. My father's generation is all about putting in the effort to earn a living. Today, from my observations, the generation is all about Working Smart.

Unfortunately, I also observed a severe misinterpretation of the concept in today's generation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with "Working Smart", in fact, it should be encouraged but it does not mean "Cutting Corners"!!! Similar to the misconception of the phrases like "All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy" and "Work Life Balance" me, just like "Respect", the rights to claim them is earned rather than demanded.

There's a HUGE difference between "Finding An Easier Way Out" and "Finding A Better Way Out". Both require putting on a "Thinking Cap" but one require a strong understanding of the entire subject matter before coming out with a Better Solution to overcome the problem while the other...

The young ones nowadays, "Think" that they are good because they are very smart, especially most oversea grads I know... They "Think" that the ways others are doing or have been doing are wrong and they have a better way...without considering the reason why certain things are done in a particular manner or way (Especially in our line of business in the advertising industry).

Most refuses to put in the necessary effort (Hard Work) to really learn to "Stand Firmly On Their Own Two Feet" before they even start "Walking". Some even "Think" that they are actually good enough to start "Flying" immediately (Totally ignoring the steps of "Walk", "Run" and "Jump")!

What they don't realise is the consequences of their actions. Without the solid foundation, they are just heading directly to a brick wall (as they are simply too junior to face the result of their wrong doing and is most often shielded by their superiors)...sometimes, I even sensed that they simply don't someone, somehow...will get it done.

Just the other night, I met "John" (Of course, John is not the real name...John is not necessarily a man...John could be a woman...John could also be both...hahaha...). While striking up a conversation, without realising that he was actually setting himself up for a respond that he wasn't prepared for...he asked proudly, "So, when are you going to poach me?" answer, "Never!".

I did explain in more details...Back in G2, no matter what happen (Especially F..K UPs), I am sure that I can handle it and even tolerate incompetency (well...almost tolerate...hehehe) as "we" are (In some ways) protected under the "Retainer Structure"...(Even though, this goes against my principle of having an Owner's Mindset...) But I wouldn't want to "F..K Around" with my own business...he is simply not good enough for me to the level where I would "Poach" him.

My intention is to make him realise where he is. Cruel? Yes! But True! I rather tell him the truth than leading him on... (So, "John", start working hard at eliminating your weaknesses...Maybe one day...who knows?). Similar to the intention of this blog. It is my believe that "Everyone can and have the capacity to achieve great things" long as they put their Heart and Soul to it. This blog is created targeting at someone like "John".

Without a doubt, especially in the advertising industry, there are success stories of people jumping from one agency to another, getting higher position and better salary package. Some even achieve the status of Account Manager in just over a year in the industry while there are also some that made Account Director in just 4-5 years by hopping agencies...

From some of the points that I mentioned in "A Progressive Mind", those that go through the loop holes in hopping agencies (In other words...cutting corners), can actually "Get The Job Done"...but will they really be able to lead a team as a good leader? Drive a brand as a guardian? That, I really doubt...

Old school remain old school...most method are really not applicable in these day and age anymore...therefore, I would like to offer a new solution to that age old saying..."Work Smart Hard" as working hard or working smart alone is no longer enough.

Work Smart Hard is about putting the same amount of effort in both the Smart (Thinking Process) and the Hard (Building A Strong Foundation) but having the Smart in front...

If you do understand the true spirit of "Work Smart Hard" (Which is different to Work Hard Smart), you will also understand that it is not an easier way out but a change in the "Approach" and "Mindset". In fact, it will be more difficult to achieve than "Work Smart Instead Of Work Hard".

As a leader or future leader, you are in full control of whether you will be a Bad, an Average, a Good or an Outstanding Leader. You can still make the necessary adjustments and changes...

I would like to think that I'm a good leader working toward the goal of becoming an outstanding leader...but after all...I'm still me...a Chun Toi with Cracks...

P/S: After going through the posts over and over again, I still feel it is necessary at this length as the examples need to be clearly defined and explained...otherwise, people like John will not be able to capture the essence...hahaha...


  1. There was a story I read:
    A little monk once asked an enlighten monk: why is there so many scripts to the path of enlightenment?
    The old monk answered: because it requires more than that to explain that.

    So Eddie, please keep blogging.

  2. Hahaha...I believe you're the only one not complaining about the length...
    It's either I am making sense or you're as free as I am...hehehe...

  3. i am long winded myself, i understand.
