Ah...LCLY...a long forgotten nickname...long before Chun Toi, even longer before Chun Heng!
If any of you do not know the jargon...just imagine my face, my character and my behaviour...you should be able to relate and find the answer easily...hehehe...furthermore, the organ is pretty close to the Spring Bag...hahaha...
Believe it or not, the title, "LCLY" was given when we were still in Form4 (Given by yours truly, Winnie Loh)...and I'm 40! OMG!! We have known each other for that long!!!
With my arrogance (LC) and my look (LY), it really suit me...I am LCLY! All these years, Winnie and I kept in touch even after graduation...through an odd sms here & there or a rare but funny email...
I guess Winnie understood, accepted and even appreciated me for who I am (Just like my lovely wife...especially my lovely wife!...hehehe...). She's one of those that saw beyond my LCLY-ness...and there isn't a lot of them out there!
There are only three categories of people that know me:
1. Love me
2. Love me & Hate me
3. Hate me
Love me, because they appreciates me for who I am and what I can do...for them.
Love me & Hate me, because they understand me (For what I can do/achieve) but totally dislike How I Do It, especially How I Deliver It...in other words, these bunch is forced to Love Me even though they hated my guts.
Hate me, because they totally can't accept the way I do it and refuse to even consider the possibilities...that's why they (especially those that reported to me) left me...
Unfortunately, for most of them in category 2 and 3, in G2 then, I get my way most of the time (well, almost every single time) because I'm good at the things I do (...sorry about bringing back the arrogant, Me, again!). I gave myself that room and excuse to be an arrogant bastard.
Although I realised that, when I "woke up". But, at times, situations and circumstances dictates & got in the way where I just couldn't bother to find the time explaining it properly...that is also why I leave it to people to continue painting a picture of me as an arrogant bastard...I couldn't care less...as long as I know that I'm doing the right thing...not necessarily the right way but the right thing.
Paul Chong (My Drama Queen ex-Boss...hehehe) once ask me, "How many of your guys will follow you wherever you go if you'd resign today?", my answer then (2years ago) was a Big Fat Zero! I know the reason behind that answer...I was a leader that can deliver, I command the respect for my work but I wasn't a leader that gain respect because I'm a compassionate, high EQ leader.
I'm very sure that the number is not very far from that Big Fat Zero I answered two years ago, if someone were to ask me the same question again but that is part of my improvement that I'm working on...the part where "I'm not fully awaken".
Moral of the story?
You can be arrogant if you're good at the things that you do...but you are only as good as that!
I believe, you will be great if you're good at the things that you do and yet, humble at the same time...respect is not demanded but earned...use the guiding principles wisely...(What Guiding Principles? ...soon to be revealed...hehehe...)
After all that...I am LCLY but I am still me...a Chun Toi with Cracks...a LCLY keh Chun Toi!
pharker, now everyone knows my age ! lol
ReplyDeleteno no no...dont worry...they dont know tat ur one year younger than me...oopsy!!! hehehe...