Friday, January 22, 2010

An Intro

Why Chun Toi Cracks?

Simple, every Chun Toi (Spring Bag) has crack lines...the lines are's just stating the obvious, isn't it?...but, seriously, I call everyone Chun Toi!

When they are my friends, they will respond by calling me just that, Chun Toi! (Use to be Chun Heng...Spring Brother).

The Blog is all about my life! Stating the obvious...sometimes...with the intention of helping those that require the "help".

It's also about Self inflicted one (On you), I hope...for everyone's improvement. Including my own improvement.

Today, I'm 40years old, I actually just "woke up" about three-four years ago (Although I'm not fully awaken...)...All of a sudden, something, anything and everything just clicked!

To those that asked about why I've change into who I am, my explanation was simple, when I was 25 maybe 26years old, if there was a 40years old dude tells me about "Life" then (Which is the basis of my blog) respond then - "Go fly kite lah, Lo Yeh!".

I was that arrogant then...also very naive...

Now, one thing I know for sure, if that dude did tell me 14-15years ago, I would have "Waken Up" earlier...probably years later but much earlier.

After working on the Dunhill Acc for more than 19years (And in G2 for more than 9years), I woke up to the things that were so very obvious to me, that I was doing it subconciously all those years, what I was doing, why I was doing it, how I was doing it...
it can actually be categorised into Principles, least, my principles (Will go into more details later).

I also realise that I go through a very strange "Thinking Process" (Will also go into more details later...hehehe).

Recently, I've left my comfort zone (In G2, working for BAT) and ventured into the unknown...well, almost "Unknown" anyway.

I know where my continuous improvements is and started doing things differently, pushing hard toward that goal, especially the last few months of my time in G2...knowing that my time there was limited.

This Blog (Introduced to me by Edmund Wong), gave me the best platform to continue what I was doing in G2 and where I left it.

Therefore, I hope someone will benefit from it.

At the end of it all...I'm still me, a Chun Toi with Cracks!


  1. Hey Chun Toi,

    Well done... You finally decided to blog. Was beginning to miss all those inspirational emails you used to send.


  2. hhmmm...paragraph 6 sounds familiar to me!!! keke~~~i hope i can gain 'something' (u know wad i mean geh) here from you even you are not in G2 yeah.

    Can't wait to see more of your views in life!!!

  3. Yeh Mau (Wild Cat)?
    hhhhmmmm...Siapa yeh mau?

  4. Good stuff!

    Continue to write... It's inspiring to read.
