Be prepared...the upcoming 4 posts will be quite dry as they require the necessary examples in order to fully explain them...
As mentioned in my 1st post...I didn't realise that I was operating under these principles until I started categorising them...during my Account Management days.
Let me also clarify that these "Principles" is not something that is cooked up by me without any basis but it's really...universal terms and you can actually google them...It is how I operate under the guidance of these principles...
Thinking back, all the situations that I was caught in...the principles have yet to fail me. If you do not have any better solutions...try them. Although, it's very "Work" orientated but they are truly applicable in any position, any rank, any field and anything that you are currently doing. And, it does not clash with any working style that you may already adopt.
Once you've mastered the "Thinking Process"...use the step by step guide and map against these principles. You will be able to notice the differences in the results...
They are: 1. Managing Expectations
2. Pay Attention To Details
3. Cover All Angles
4. Use Common Sense
In Part 1 today, I will only elaborate on Managing Expectations.
What is Managing Expectation?
Everyday, everything that we do, whether we are aware of it, we ARE actually managing expectations from people around us.
Take an advertising agency as an example, everything an Account Executive (AE) does is actually Managing Expectation. A request from a client, An instruction from a superior, A feedback from internal Creative or Production personnel, A directive from Management...
From the client's request, they expect the AE to do the necessary in order for the request be met and eventually delivered and roll-out into the market.
After an instruction from a superior, the superior is expecting the AE to perform the task given and execute them to perfection.
The Creative, Production and in a lot of ways, the Traffic Dept expects the AE to send a timely and clear instruction of the request in order for them to perform their role...up to the expected quality and standard.
Therefore, by performing the tasks mentioned above, up to the expectations of the clients, the superior or any other internal personnel, the AE is naturally, Managing Expectations.
On the other hand, the clients is expected to give clear a direct request, the superior is expected to give clear instructions and set the expected deadline & result with proper guidance while the other internal personnel are expected to provide the necessary support.
At every level, every one needs to Manage Expectations of a different type while the expectations from different parties will also differ.
From managing expectations where the optimum is meeting "What is expected"...which does not really spring any surprises, the next level would be "Exceeding Expectations"...
Another good example would be meeting deadline. By meeting the deadline, you are Managing Expectations while delivering earlier than deadline, you are actually Exceeding Expectations. Similarly, if a deadline is set but you are unable to meet them, Manage the Expectation by negotiating a better deadline rather than informing the recipient on the day of the deadline that you will not meeting it as it will be a huge disappointment.
There's a major different between Covering Backside and Managing Expectations. Covering Backside is most commonly linked to "Tai Chi" (Another famous Kung Fu Style based on Ying and Yang where the exponent uses the strength of the opponent or diverting it...) while Managing Expectations deal with the issues - Head On.
To master the skill of Managing Expectations, apart from the above mentioned, the most important point is ensure that the expectation level is set and agreed before any action is taken to avoid any subjectivity upon completion of a task as well as disappointments.
Just last Friday, some exPB&Fers were celebrating Ms Law "Dragon Lady" Swee Kheng's 35th or 53rd Birthday at Reggie Lee's LOL Cafe in Subang...I can't confirm the actual number as they only lighted one candle...hehehe...Anyway, I had the privilege to chat with the love of her life, exCEO of Euro RSCG, Mr Steve Teoh. To him, Managing Expectations is an Art Form.
Now...that is a totally fresh new way (To me anyway...) of looking at Managing Expectations as I've never look at it in that manner before this but it does make sense...If you have master the skill, you should be able to beautify it into an art form...why not?
It's very strange, bizarre even and you can also term it as faith actually...if not because of the sudden "Adjustment" to the sequence of my posts, I would've posted this subject (A lot dryer...) at least three weeks ago...I guess, the short interruption above, spiced up the content a little more too. It also proved that the principles are not something where I'm the only one adopting...
If any of you remember "An Intro", I believe I found my "4o years old Dude" in Steve Teoh...only 15 years later...or 15 years too late...hehehe... Talking with him, makes me realise that I am heading toward the right direction while confirming that I still have plenty to learn.
So, go out and find your own "40 years old Dude" (Metaphorically speaking...of course...), listen and engage with an open mind & open heart...What have you got to lose???
Although I'm a Chun Toi with Cracks, Steve shared his wisdom generously and offered more in the future...Thanks Steve! I appreciate it a lot...I've also gain more knowledge as well as a few new tricks...hehehe...but no matter what, I'm still a Chun Toi with Cracks.