To all read from bottom up as the contents are progressive in nature...happy reading!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
How Will U Know?
What Announcement?
Well, most of you complained that every postings on ChunToiCracks is too lengthy & to a certain draws you away from really completing the subject.
If you are unable to complete every post, think deeper into it, understand it and apply it, you have really missed the plot...
Coupled with the 140 character limitation on Twitter, it inspired me to start this second blog...ChunToiCracks2HWUK (Where HWUK means How Will U Know?) and it is actually a compilation of my HWUK Tweets...
It is now live & online...log on to
It has the same nature of ChunToiCracks, only shorter...a lot a lot shorter but it still require you putting on your "Thinking Further" cap while reading them and comprehending the true intention of the message.
I will however expand the content slightly as it does not have the same limitation Twitter has...
It is not a platform to voice my frustration but targeting the same target audiences of ChunToiCracks...those that needed it...but do not think they needed it...kekeke...
Therefore, take the content whether it's positive or negative with a pinch of salt...look beyond the Tone & Manner but deep into the essence of the subject, you will relate to it better.
Although the posts are originated from Twitter linked to Facebook, it will be missed if you are not following me on Twitter and don't log-on to Facebook often...therefore, creating this new blog as a reference point.
This new blog marked another significant milestone for myself...but after all that...I am still me...a Chun Toi with Cracks.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Me, On My 41st Birthday
Yup! I'll be 41years old in about 50+ hours.

Err...what? You don't know?
Well, in a nutshell...from 1st September 2009, I've resigned from G2, started a Facebook account, left G2, started this blog, started Be-Actu8, started a Twitter account, planted a lot of Durian seeds, got the Sanng Funn Shue job (mostly caused by Internal Misalignment) & finally, I'm still 0 of 14 on World Cup & Euro Pool (Arghh...!!!).
Here, apart from writing this post to commemorate this special day, I would like to pay tribute to those significant people in my life...

My Daughter, Hong Yue. Female version of Mini-Me...scary thoughts...hehehe...hope she'll read this one day..
My Family, My Mom, My Brother & Sisters and their other halves. They kept my feet on the ground.
My In-Laws. They love me the same, just like one of them.
My ex-Bosses & ex-Colleague in PB&F. They provided me with opportunities to shine!
My ex-Colleague in G2. They gave me the platform to achieve greater fact, I was awaken by their actions...helped me reach a certain level of enlightenment.
My ex-Clients that are still in BATM. They trusted in me & my capabilities.
My ex-Clients that have left BATM (Some of them remained my close friends & some...ahem...I'm working with currently...). They too played an important role in supporting & believing in me.
My Friends & Heng Dai. They played an important role in helping me through the years...providing the "Ears" during Yam-Cha sessions...kekeke...
My Followers on ChunToiCracks. Thank you for Bei Minn (Give face..)...
No matter how you look at it, which angle you are looking at it (Covering All Angles...kekeke...), I am one damn lucky 41years old dude!

Without a doubt, there have been UPs & DOWNs over the last 12months...but that's Life!
I know I'm still a Chun Toi with Cracks as I've yet to achieve some of the goals that will truly mark my existence in this insane world...
And I'm not talking about the amount of money I make or my career / job successes as I believe those will be there as long as I don't change (down-grading) my principles toward life...I know I can't be bringing those into the coffin when my time comes.
I'm referring to the Intangible Success...knowing those that I've put in effort in guiding & even trained, have their own success stories...
Too far fetch? Maybe...but that is still one of my biggest & most important goals.

My Birthday wish? Hmmm...not telling...kekeke...but I'm posting this after 12mn, 1st September 2010 to mark the occasion.Happy Birthday to me...although I'm older, definitely wiser but I am still me, a Chun Toi with, back to work...there's a presentation tomorrow...another Durian tree...
I'm leaving this quote created by ChunToiCracks while giving someone an advice - "Don't even think about Exceeding expectation when you can't Meet expectation because you are not even Managing expectation properly!". I've actually posted this on Twitter & Facebook a few days ago...
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Box
Today's subject is about The Box...Think Outside The Box...?




Thinking outside the box (sometimes erroneously called "thinking out of the box" or "thinking outside the square") is to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking.

In similar fashion, Vince Lombardi, an American Football coach once quoted "We would accomplish more things if we did not think of them as impossible".When you have the time, do log-on to this site It carries a very interesting article that actually teaches you "How To Think Outside The Box". It uses the Matrix (As in the movie) to explain how most everyone is confined in a box or the matrix, in term of the "Thinking Process" and how you can think out of the box.
I've always strive to challenge and break the norm. That is also be-actu8's approach towards every project. Although it might not end up the way I've wanted it but it is the spirit that counts...after all, I am still me, a Chun Toi with Cracks.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
How many "Professionals" out there, really know & understand the true meaning of "Professionalism"?
If you ask around, many will tell you their version or interpretation of the word...well, it does mean something, in particular, here in Malaysia...Professionalism, as concept, most often than not, I see most Malaysian behave in a different manner from their interpretation...especially our so-called Professional Sportsmans...


You can always argue that the requirement from the directors or producers and even the pay is different...but, no matter what, they do give "Professionalism" a Bad Name.

Monday, June 7, 2010
And Then?

Do always remember, no matter how you operate, whether you want to adopt the principles and the Thought Process from this blog or not, there is one important step that you must not forget, just like writing an email, always read it again and again to check the content, And Then, ask yourself whether you've missed any important point.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Words From The Big Kahuna

Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Monday, May 31, 2010
The Principles...Part 4

A 19th century Swiss philosopher Henri Frederic Amiel quoted "Common Sense is the measure of the possible; it is composed of experience and prevision; it is calculation applied to life.".

Take working on a BAT project for example, the inexperience juniors in the Brand team will not know the full Standard Operating Procedure that G2 personnel needs to go through in order for a request as simple as purchasing 300,000pcs of Lighters.
With Common Sense, Covering All Angles and Attention To Details through a thorough Thinking Process, it should give you enough bullet to convince the client by using the skill to Manage their Expectations rather than agreeing and taking that instruction or request without providing any suggestion or better solutions...
Furthermore, those steps mentioned above, are pretty much applicable to almost everything requested by BAT personnel, be it a Pack Insert, a Point Of Sales Material, a Packaging, an Activity or even an Event...therefore, even though they can also be categorised as processes, they should be part of the G2 BAT personnel's Common Sense...

Finally, don't just take my words of the 4 principles, read more articles, books or google them on the internet, you will get a lot of website that dedicate and advocate the same concept...possibly delivering the same message slightly differently.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Principles...Part 3
