How many "Professionals" out there, really know & understand the true meaning of "Professionalism"?
If you ask around, many will tell you their version or interpretation of the word...well, it does mean something, in particular, here in Malaysia...Professionalism, as concept, most often than not, I see most Malaysian behave in a different manner from their interpretation...especially our so-called Professional Sportsmans...

Most people hates the Americans but without a doubt, they are very advance in a lot of ways, if you are able to isolate the issues, they do have a lot of "Things" that everyone can learn and adopt from...in fact, they did surprise a lot of football fans with their performance this 2010 World Cup...maybe even caused some...lost a lot money...hehehe...

I also found this quote from him “If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”

I believe, they are always imagining themselves performing in front of thousands and they take tremendous pride in being part of the show...it's really show on their faces.
One thing for sure, even though they are good individually but in order to achieve that synchronisation required for the visual effects, every single one of them need to put in a lot of effort and hard work...as a professional, they did more than just meeting the request...

Each and every one of them has the highest respect for MJ. Their dedication as well as their appreciation to MJ and the show, you get the feelings that those dancers would've done all 50 shows with MJ, for MJ, for free!
While closer to home...during an actual show, have you EVER seen any professional dance troops in perfect sync before? (And I have to emphasize on "EVER"!) Even on big local Music Award shows? Have you seen them stretches out all the way if they need to extend their arm? Have you seen them even smile & carry a certain pride?

Do you sense that they are still in rehearsal mode even when performing? They do give you the impression that they are doing it because they have to and it's just part of their "job", isn't it?
Rather than something they want to or have pride in doing. And, most importantly, Having Fun while doing it.
You can always argue that the requirement from the directors or producers and even the pay is different...but, no matter what, they do give "Professionalism" a Bad Name.
You can always argue that the requirement from the directors or producers and even the pay is different...but, no matter what, they do give "Professionalism" a Bad Name.
In our line of business, over the years, I have seen many failed on the word "Professionalism" while also saw some pushing it to the limits. My assessment, It's All In The Mind!
Whether you are paid more than you deserves, just right or tremendously under paid, it is besides the point. If you are a true professional, you will give it your all...every single time in every single thing that you do.
Taking cues from "Motivated and De-Motivated", try to find The Fun and The Challenges that will make it Exciting for yourself. You will be able to achieve a higher appreciation once you complete something...as a true professional, one do not need outside influenced motivation.
Although the South Africa 2010 World Cup caused some delays in my posts...(Excuses excuses excuses...hehehe)...not that anyone missed it, right? I took the last couple of days to complete this post while there aren't any live matches...now...back to 2010 World Cup...Brazil is ousted. Ghana also went out dramatically. Either Germany or Argentina will be gone by tomorrow...you'll not be seeing the pretty sight below...kekeke...
I am a professional. I embrace professionalism in every single thing that I do...that is why, I'm a professional Chun Toi. But, after all, I'm still me...a Chun Toi with Cracks.

P/S: See you all at the Bangsar Street Party for the 2010 World Cup Final next Sunday...let's us all pray that the match will not be between Ghana and Paraguay...
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