It's about Adjustments in Your Approach...
This was initially the 5th post after "Team Work or Teamwork?" but I've decided to complete this one before the other 4 posts that actually come in a series...that is one of the reason why it's been slow on new posts...excuses excuses...sigh...
What inspire this post and require the immediate "Adjustment" to post it first?
Well, recently, I noticed a lot of movement to people I know...whether they move on to other company or department or due to other's recruits joining in...shift in roles...shift in relationships...

No matter what is the issue you faced, what is the cause, what is the circumstances, which ever angle you see is still Adjustment...and it's all about Adjustment.
If you are a subordinate reporting to a new superior, the danger is expectation. Never expect him/her to be exactly as how your previous superior works. Although he/she is supposed to also make some Adjustment, YOU, should first make the Adjustment to manage him/her while continue to focus on how you can really support him/her "Differently" if your current style does not work.
If you are a mid-level manager (Working with a team of personnel & subordinates) reporting to a new superior, your way of leading the juniors need to be different as the approach of the new superior will very likely be different and there will be changes. Therefore, make the necessary Adjustment so that you can lead the juniors to better support the new superior as well as the entire group.
If you are a new member in an established team, all the more you should make Adjustment so that you can fit in and play a role as a Team Member.
If you are a new head to an established team, after understanding how everything functions, you need to make Adjustment to lead the Team better than the previous leader.
If you are a leader where your subordinate has left your organisation (For whatever reason), you definately need to make huge Adjustment before and after the replacement are just staring down a locked and loaded double barrel!
If you are a new employee joining a new organisation, Adjustment is one of the key to successfully blend into the new and different culture...don't expect the culture to adjust to your ways.
If you are a long term follower of this blog, some of the previous posts like "Team Work Or Teamwork?", "The Recipe", "Another side of the story...The Disciple", "A Funny Story About...Sifu", "The Leader" and "Motivated and De-Motivated" will also shed some lights in a different manner to the subject matter...just try and make an Adjustment while reading them again from a different will also find some fresh new answers in them.
For example, if you are De-Motivated because of the reasons above, you should make Adjustment so that you can Re-Motivate yourself rather than giving up without even trying...
The Adjustments I've mentioned above are mostly caused by external factors that you must make in order to meet those challenges...there is also a self-inflicted Adjustment even when there's absolutely nothing that is causing a stir in your uneventful life...Adjustment should still be made in order to improve yourself to the next level or prepare yourself for bigger challenges...All you need is "A Progressive Mind".
Adjustment can also be categorised into Evolutionary and Revolutionary...From my days as an AV Producer to Associate Account Director working in multiple brands, I have made Adjustments to meet those different requirements at different level.
In terms of Brand Building, we also need to be very mindful and aware of the shifts in the market place and esure necessary Adjustments are made during planning, strategising, developing and executing the brand building activities.
I have made some very significant Adjustment when I left G2. Everything I do is different, therefore, I need to make the Adjustment to my approach. Everyone (Partners, Subordinates, Suppliers and Clients) that I'll be working with is unfamiliar with my working style, therefore, I need to make the Adjustment to break from my usual style in order to meet any expectation they might have. From sending newspaper clippings, after several improvement and Adjustment, I've also made further Adjustment to start this blog...

Due to circumstances in my career, I've adjusted to meet the different demands...As a Chun Toi...I've made Adjustment...however, I'm still me, a Chun Toi with Cracks.
P/S: I've just make another Adjustment to my approach...I am now on Twitter...kekeke...and guess the name...hint hint...wink wink...I'm pretty sure you can find me in that cyber-world...

Wow...I hav 18 Followers from my 18 posts...will I get 19 Followers when I post my next subject?