In my years of experience, I get it a lot...a lot...until a point where it became something that is naturally a step before we approach any project.
To be honest, it is easier said than is another level from "And Then?" when it comes to creative thinking. As most of us are always confined within "The Box" we created for ourselves...our own comfort zone...and it's extremely difficult to "Get Out".

Before you even start "Thinking Outside The Box", you must first question yourself, "Have you mastered everything to know about "The Box"? More appropriately, "Inside The Box"?".
Asking questions like where is the box, what is the function of the box, what shape is the box and how big is the box and what does "Outside The Box" really means?

An Inch or a Kilometer "Outside The Box" is still outside the box. That is why, it is also part of "Managing Expectations" order to meet or exceed expectations, you must know, what is the target audience expecting?
Recently, on Star Newspaper, there was a quote from our Prime Minister, "There's a race to stay ahead and we must not lag behind".
I'm not so sure I agree with that. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the PM nor am I criticising him but we need to be ahead before we can race to Stay Ahead...but, seriously, are we ahead...does the quote also have a double meaning?...hmmm...??
However, I couldn't agree more with a second quote from the same article, "There is a new economic order and the nations that will succeed will be those that plan ahead, seek new sectors, with the will to innovate and invest in human capital."
As it's very applicable to our line of business or any organisation...even though, to me, he was stating the obvious...just like the nature of this blog, in fact, this particular subject...hehehe...In order to meet those points in the second quote, one must think outside the box. A predefined box.

After meeting several "Potential Clients" for be-
actu8 over the last couple of months, almost all of them agreed with us that, in Advertising, there's really no new & unexplored medium but it is very much "Idea" driven to make a difference in today's world.
To explain the point further, a couple of years ago, someone came up with the idea of having an event in Pavilion (Which is nothing new...) but what makes it brilliant was the format of the event..."A Silent Party" where every attendee is given a headset to enjoy the music rather than huge speakers blasting laud noise.
That, to me, is "Outside The Box"!

Anyone can execute or organise an event. But, creating "The Talk Of The Town" is a totally different ball game altogether... I have to congratulate the brain behind the idea and also praise the organiser (I believe it was a MTV Concert...) for the bold move as it did created a positive viral effect after that event.
'Some times later, someone (Ahem...I can't say who...kekeke...) did tried to emulate that "Silent Party" but failed in the attempt as I believe, the reason it failed is because there was really no new or fresh idea injected into the format that exceeds the attendees' expectations.
"Copying With Pride" is nothing new in the advertising industry, especially us, we Malaysian are known and the proud owner of the title, "Kings Of Piracy"...kekeke...that is how our education system brought us up...I'm sure some of you remember your exam days...kekeke... However, even when you are "Copying" someone or something, your own personality or character that is recognised must be retained in order to set yourself apart...
Creating something new is really not part of our culture...accepting something new is also not part of Advertiser's culture as normally, there are a lot of uncertainty involve which is most of the time, not properly managed. These are actually the first hurdle we must overcome if we believe in it and keep working on it.
Wikipedia explains it in the manner below:
Thinking outside the box (sometimes erroneously called "thinking out of the box" or "thinking outside the square") is to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking.This is sometimes called a process of lateral thought. The catchphrase, or cliché, has become widely used in business environments, especially by management consultants and executive coaches, and has spawned a number of advertising slogans. To think outside the box is to look further and try not to think of the obvious things, but try and think beyond that.
If you take the will see the point of Adidas's slogan, "Impossible Is Nothing". A simple yet creative spin from the age old saying of "Nothing Is Impossible". It's a direct answer to "Just Do It"...although many years apart... It also promote that level beyond everyone else that makes "Impossible", a difficult & challenging word but it became "Nothing".
In similar fashion, Vince Lombardi, an American Football coach once quoted "We would accomplish more things if we did not think of them as impossible".
When you have the time, do log-on to this site It carries a very interesting article that actually teaches you "How To Think Outside The Box". It uses the Matrix (As in the movie) to explain how most everyone is confined in a box or the matrix, in term of the "Thinking Process" and how you can think out of the box.
I've always strive to challenge and break the norm. That is also be-actu8's approach towards every project. Although it might not end up the way I've wanted it but it is the spirit that counts...after all, I am still me, a Chun Toi with Cracks.